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Curl Curl Lagoon Friends Inc.

Who are the current Executive Committee members?
How do I nominate someone for Executive Committee membership?
Election of members to the Executive Committee occurs at an Annual General Meeting. The following form is to be used to nominate a person for membership of the Executive Committee.
How do we communicate with members and the public?
We produce an A5 newsletter three or four times per year which volunteers drop into all letterboxes in the area immediate around the Lagoon. Members living in the drop area receive their newsletter in a personally addressed envelope, while members outside the area receive it by Australia Post. The current and previous copies of the Newsletter are available on our website.
A noticeboard is installed at the wooden bridge across Greendale Ck at Park St.
A wide range of information about our activities is published here on our website. Members are able to log in to the website using their registered email address and password to comment on news items, post questions and join in discussions.
Members will from time to time receive communications from us via email. Examples include notice of any significant new issues or developments affecting the catchment, membership renewal reminders at commencement of new membership year, and special events.
Social media
We use social media channels to promote the Association and its activities to the general public and to encourage people to join as members.
General Meetings
The Association holds an Annual General Meeting usually in October. A special guest is always invited to address the audience after the business of the AGM has been dealt with. The AGM is open to the public and is traditionally well attended.
The Association does not typically hold regular general meetings with members. However, our website’s member access feature allows members to raise questions and express their views on current topics much as they would in person at a general meeting.
Special Events
We host meetings for special reasons such as ‘Meet The Candidates’ at election time. Such events are advertised in a newsletter, the noticeboard, email, etc..
Christmas Card
Lagoon Friends has a long tradition of mailing all members, VIPS, and others a personally addressed greetings card at Christmas.
Using this site
Public access v Signing In
Most of the functions and content of this site are freely open for public access. Our Association's greatest asset is its base of committed members. We'd like to hear what our members have to say on the important topics and it's possible for them to do that easily on this website if they wish. And we also encourage non-members to have their say as well. The only requirement for online commenting is that you first register on the site with a username of your choice and your email address. Your email address is never publicly shown on the site, only your username. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more on this.
Best viewing experience
The best viewing and interaction experience will be obtained when using a computer rather than mobile phone. A computer running any of the popular browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari) is ideal.
When using a mobile phone or tablet (Android or IOS based) the site is rendered differently so as to suit the smaller screen and lower processing power of those devices.
The site contains many reference documents in PDF format. We recommend where possible to set your browser to display PDF files directly in the browser rather than to download the PDF file before displaying it. Set the browser to display PDF files in dual-page (2 pages side by side) mode if possible.
What is our privacy policy?
Membership register
Information collected from registered members of the Association is used solely to communicate with the member about activities of the Association and matters relevant to their membership. No information is ever provided about an individual to a third party for any reason except where required by law.
Website visitor sign in
Where a visitor to the Association's website - whether they be a paid-up member of the Association or not - elects to sign in to the website and provides an email address for this purpose, that email address is never provided to any third party for any reason except where required by law.
Mark Stack
Deb Moffat
Mark Stack
Susan Stack
Pic Andrews
Tanya Bell
Alexandria Mawhinney
Natalie Warren
Deputy President
Membership administrator
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Committee member
Paula Cowan