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Curl Curl Lagoon Friends Inc.

Volunteer for bush care at Alan Newton Reserve
Alan Newton Reserve is the area bounded by the Lagoon, Griffin Road and the North Curl Curl Community Centre and was once part of a large garbage tip that extended from the outlet of the Lagoon west to Harbord Road.
25 years ago volunteers from Curl Curl Lagoon Friends began to regenerate the area under the guidance of Council bush care coordinators. The reserve is now a beautiful native bush area that you can access by walking through the pathway from Griffin Rd and into the football fields north of the Lagoon.
Volunteers continue to meet there on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9:00AM to 11:00AM. We battle the weeds, put new plantings in and maintain the natural habitat of the plants and animals. Our group consists of all ages – high school students to volunteers in their 90’s.
If you would like to volunteer contact Pam on 0428-370-003.
Or contact Northern Beaches Council on 1300 434 434 or at their website's Bushcare page.
Or you can just turn up ready for work.
All you need is enthusiasm and a desire to make a difference to our natural environment.