A proposal to revegetate the Harbord Rd Gross Pollutant Trap site.

View of Gross Pollutant Trap site from footpath on Harbord Rd
Current Situation The area near the Harbord Rd Gross Pollutant Trap is the public gateway to Greendale Creek. It is in full view of passing vehicular (Harbord Rd) and pedestrian (Freshwater Senior Campus) traffic.
The area between the GPT and Harbord Rd bridge on the south side is overgrown with unsightly weeds and generally presents as uncared-for. A noticeboard standing at the site helpfully provides information and pictures of 20 common local weeds.

Noticeboards at GPT site describing common types of local weeds
The GPT itself normally has the appearance of a small, shallow, permanent reservoir of relatively clean and unpolluted water.
The poor appearance of the GPT site contrasts with that of the surrounding areas, for example the area on the south bank of the Creek through which a pathway leads into John Fisher Park which is well kept and pleasant to walk through.

Area immediately to the south of Harbord Rd GPT
Community pride Any improvements achieved at the GPT site would be a prominent demonstration of the community’s pride in their local bushland.

Students passing by site every day get close-up view of
untidy overgrowth on both sides of footpath.

Demonstration of community pride at completion of GPT in 1997.
Action requested
Removal of weeds
Revegetation with suitable low care species
Regular maintenance of vegetation in landscaped areas of Creek and along pathways and kerb
Consider including as a new Bushcare site providing opportunity for community volunteers or students to participate in maintenance. Any improvement to the landscaping or vegetation of this area would be a highly visible illustration of the community’s commitment to caring for the environment. Bushcare encompasses Creekcare.
Installation and / or upgrading of informative signage
Other considerations
The path on the northern Creek bank between the two bridges is in constant use by pedestrians and cyclists. Potentially project scope could be increased to include bush care of the area on northern side of Greendale Creek between the concrete bridge and Harbord Road
The GPT itself has its own water birds. But this section of the Creek between the GPT and concrete bridge has the largest, most lively and most vocal population of bush birds in the Park.
Interpretative signage boards installed on the Harbord Road bridge railing many years ago have become damaged and no longer serve their purpose. These should be replaced or removed.
The graphic photographs of the works comprising Stage 1 of the Greendale Creek remediation project in 1997 (see CCLF website) would provide an interesting public display and a new noticeboard could be installed near the GPT for this purpose.
On the vehicular access ramp leading from the roadway into the GPT there is a Council plaque set into a rock commemorating the opening of the GPT facility in Sept 1997. This area is open to pedestrian traffic and should be included in the scope of remediation.
Any improvement to the landscaping or vegetation of this area would be a highly visible illustration of Lagoon Friends’ commitment to caring for the environment.
Next Steps
CCLF Executive Committee to discuss and approve following draft letter to Council.
Council, the Lagoon bush regenerator and Bushlink have combined to make the following improvements to the surrounds of the Harbord Rd Gross Pollutant Trap. Weeds have been treated, the footpath vegetation trimmed and a lot of new plantings done. It looks and is so much better for all these efforts. Thank you Council for responding to our request.
Great letter Mark. Send away. Maybe council would be interested supplying a grant for Bushlink to work on this site like they have on the site near the cricket oval. Tanya