The response from Council's Property & Commercial Development department to the Optus application for a new "telco facility" on the bank of Curl Curl Lagoon reveals real and substantial environmental risks posed by the proposal. Quoting their response . .
"Property advises that a proposed new pole of this height will likely attract other carriers in future to co-locate on the same pole and each other carrier will require similar equipment on ground within the Council managed Crown Reserve. This may lead to a situation where the pole and ground area become cluttered with equipment similar to the situation at Plateau Park Collaroy Plateau which has become a target for vandalism."
Property conclude that a formal agreement with the applicant would be necessary to mitigate or eliminate such risks. Read their full referral response here.
Following are images of the Plateau Park facility as it appears today.
Council have extended the closing date for community submissions on this development application until Thursday 27 August 2020. Online submissions may be made here.