Vegetation planted by Council on the northern bank of the Lagoon west of Alan Newton Reserve has become so dense that the Lagoon can no longer be seen from ground level by people using that section of the Park.
This forum topic was triggered by a member's request for Committee's support in approaching Council to restore some of the previously available water views, arguing this would be consistent with our charter to preserve the amentity of the waterway for all Park users. Co-incidentally, the member's home happens to be situated on Abbott Rd opposite the affected area.
The links below provide our member's letter and correspondence between CCLF and Council on this matter.
Committee decision required: Given the advice provided by Council on this matter, does Committee believe that views of the Lagoon surface from the northern bank should be opened up to any extent for the benefit of the public?
Decision 5/2/2024: Committee's decision emailed to Bruce McLennan on 19/2/2024 - see attached. Bruce replied with thanks 22/2 accepting the decision.